Tatiana Anisimova
Every work of the artist is a figurative self-portrait. Even if it is a still life.
In real life, I'm straightforward. I do not compromise with my conscience. The same is in my paintings: the lines are clear and sharp, like my words.
I don't look for ostentatious subjects. I don't accept hypocrisy.
I draw life as it is with passionate, smashing strokes.
The artworks are born with a burst of momentum. For me, watercolor is inhaling and exhaling. I draw in a la prima technique.
I believe that each artwork must deliver a certain message. It is either an item or a word in which my message to the viewer is embedded.
In this simple still life, ordinary objects, the daily teatime ritual are united by the red color of love, and the blue color of peace and harmony. Because that is what every cup of coffee should be.
And a tube of red paint is a symbol for creativity, an integral part of my life. As an artist, I want to fill the world with beautiful and right contrasts...

Picked by:
Sergey Temerev

The Artwork
presented for the contest:
Coffee break