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Batur Baslar


What appeals to me most about painting is the exploration and the rediscovery of the form and the colour of everyday objects that we grow accustomed to and often forget to see with fresh eyes under ever-changing light conditions. Realizing their particular arrangements is a seeing game that I enjoy all through the day. Painting for me, at the same time, is a translation process from a mixture of different languages to a visual one of a particular medium.
I think most visual artists ultimately aim to make a connection between their inner world and the physical world that surrounds them in their art. In my landscape paintings I try to reflect my inner vision onto the exterior world. I understand the landscape as layers of sensations and ever changing moods that light evokes on my perceptive faculties. The mood is the most important consideration in my painting because it conveys the feeling of a place and a moment may it be real or imaginary. Watercolour is the perfect medium for me to interpret the constant changes of mood that the light provides us with. It is a living medium with a mind of its own. It is fluid, unpredictable yet honest and transparent.

Artist in contest

picked by:

Isabel Moreno Alosete


the artwork
presented for contest:


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