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Agnieszka Midera


Due to extraordinary life circumstances Mallorca Island (Spain) became my new home. After years of living in cold, cloudy and rainy Poland, the island, surrounded with the Mediterranean waters, with its turquoise, viridian, deep ultramarine colors, with fuchsia, magenta and orange flowers blossoming during the whole year in full sunlight, enchanted me and gave me no choice. I decided to paint it!

From my student’s years I felt very attracted to watercolor technique for being a clean, spontaneous, fast and unpredictable medium.
The fact that you only need some (or a lot! just depends on the size of your painting) water, that you always have on hand, and few minerals ground and glued with gum Arabic, that it’s completely organic and easy to use is the reason that the watercolor is so special to me.

In my opinion this medium is not about having full control, you have to let the watercolor talk, to suggest you the next step, even to decide sometimes. You’re working together, as a team, you’re both the protagonists looking for the same goal: a “wow factor”.
In watercolor you have to let accidents happen: they make the work unique and once-in-a-lifetime! So be brave and let the water flow!

Artist in contest

picked by:

Sergey Temerev


the artwork
presented for contest:

The Wave

click the link below to view the artwork's photo in HiRes:
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