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Everardo Pérez
“I paint, because I love it. Time…, what is it? I don't perceive it when I paint!
I'm a painting through my thoughts, in my way of speaking, because of them I speak in their different social nuances and I speak according to the colors as I feel them. In harmony, in cadence, in softness, and sometimes rebellious and incomprehensible to the human mind, but always looking for that space of freedom, deep..., deep and at the same time wide and ecumenical.
I'm a painting and it is perhaps that my mind finds incongruous everything that is correct in my heart when I paint, or it is that I cannot find any word in this world about what I feel, only painting gives it to me”.
Applicants Artists for a FW2024 nomination

Work presented for the FW2024 collateral exhibition
Raramuris in the chill sunrise.
click down here for the HiRes photo of the work:
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