Emel Çevikcan Çevikcan
1981 - Started to the Applied fine Arts High School in Istanbul.
1982 - 3rd Contemporary Artists Open Air Exhibition ISTANBUL
1983 - First place in the contest organized by the Bosphorus Lionness Club,
1984 - Graduated from Marmara Univercıty.
2020-Honorable Mention Award in Suluboya painting contest with the theme of the spirit of September 9 by Izmir Metropolitan Municipalicıty
2021-Our 23rd April online painting exhibition organized by USART with the participation of international artists.
2021-On line Sumi-e Contest Tusunami April 2021 Atelier Margot participation of international.
Attending an online exhibition on the 2021-India May
From the event I attended with my 4 pictures for Mumbai Mangrove forests in India. spotlightartcollective.com website.
2021-Bulgarian Municipality Art Gallery Turkish painters from Mestanlı group exhibition.
2021-@ecoawareartgallery Participation in the international online exhibition PICK UP THE LEAF organized by Eco Aware Art Gallery in India for 2021.
My work 2021- (Pandemic Heroes) was ranked 6th in the Portrait People category at the 2021 American Art Awards, which included 2,000 participants from 64 countries and was evaluated by the audience of 25 different museums and galleries.
2021-IAVPOA International visual show, other arts association Team, 1st International Environmental Biennial event "Compatibility Issues", first prize.
2022- 3rd International Watercolor Bianeli "Cries of Injustice"*A Migration Story*, organized by IOVPOA Art in Lithuania, won the 1st prize.
My work 2023- (Olive women) was ranked 5th in the Portrait People category at the 2023 American Art Awards.
The artist is still working in İZMİR as an art teacher at the Ministry of National Education and continues to work in İZMİR.
She is currently a member of the association IWS Watercolors' Turkey.
The artist is still working in İZMİR as an art teacher at the Ministry of National Education and continues to work in İZMİR.
Applicants Artists for a FW2024 nomination